Fabien Hohenauer obtained his Master degree from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland (with merit bilingual/European law). During his degree, he spent a year at the University of Vienna (Austria). From 2004 to 2006, he worked as an assistant to Prof. Dr Pierre Tercier at the University of Fribourg. This experience was followed by postgraduate studies in Economic and Banking Law at the University of Bern, Switzerland. After that, Fabien Hohenauer spent two years as an intern in a law firm in Lausanne. He passed the bar exam in 2009 and worked then as a partner in the same law firm for four years. He founded HDC in September 2013.
Fabien Hohenauer assists his clients in disputes before State courts and arbitration tribunals, in Switzerland or abroad, ahead (contract negotiations) or afterward (in civil or administrative law proceedings). He especially likes construction law, contract law and sports law and aims to find for every client tailor-made, quick and pragmatic solutions. Every time it is appropriate, he gives priority to alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
Between 2015 and 2017 Fabien Hohenauer led the Young Vaud Bar Association. Between 2019 and 2022, he was a member of the Council of the Vaud Bar Association, in charge of the trainee lawyers of the canton. He is also the president or member of several foundations and associations.
Since 2018, he teaches civil law at the He-Arc.
« Les robots chez les avocats: nouveaux amis ou concurrents indésirables? », 120 ans de l’OAV, janvier 2018.
« La sécurité informatique dans une Etude d’avocat : un tour d’horizon », Séminaire de la BCV pour les avocats et notaires romand, septembre 2017.
« Le chemin qui mène à l’indépendance : Expériences vécues » (avec Me Louis Burrus), Congrès de la FSA, juin 2017.
« Video Games and contracts: legal issues », Ludicious Business Accelerator, décembre 2016.
« Video Games Licensing : Legal Issues », Ludicious Zürich Game Festival, septembre 2014.
« Le commerce en ligne », Focus expert 11/2017, pp. 873-877. Read
« Commentaire des articles 870 à 878 (p. 1856-1886) et 888-905 (p. 1926-1984) CO », in Tercier/Amstutz (édit.), Commentaire Romand du droit des obligations II (art. 530-1186), Genève Bâle Munich, 2008 (en collaboration avec Blaise Carron).
« De l’étude d’avocats traditionnelle à la société anonyme d’avocats: quelques réflexions d’ordre civil et fiscal », in AJP/PJA 2008 (p. 689 à 703) (en collaboration avec Jeanine de Vries Reilingh).
« Die SICAV im Bundesgesetz über die kollektiven Kapitalanlagen im Lichte des luxemburgischen Vorbilds », mémoire de LL.M., Berne 2007 (49 p.) (non publié).